
Tesco Haircuts

The metrosexual male is far from extinct in Glasgow, a fact confirmed last weekend when I passed the Toni & Guy salon in Glasgow's West End and all the customers were blokes. I'm sure these blokes get their money's worth and end up with the latest glorious footballer coiffure but its just not for me. I like my haircut to be a simple affair. This means if I'm ever stranded on a desert island I'll be able to maintain the same levels of personal grooming with minimum effort and without the need to try and synthesize bleach or hairgel using coconuts and fishheads.
I'm lucky to live near one of the best barbers in Glasgow but, at £10 a pop for a simple #2 all over, I feel thats a waste of money for something I could probably do myself.

So as tesco continue its retail domination by selling EVERYTHING, I've even found a way in which it can save me money on haircuts. They're currently selling a full men's clippers set (blade #1 - #6 and a free comb!!) for £8 so I got myself a set. My fiancée joined the cause and was my personal barber for the night on Wednesday. I've got my work's annual dinner dance on Saturday night so our homemade hairdressing was fraught with potential disaster.

BUT in credit to my fiancéé she did an excellent job and there'll be no need for me to wear a hat to the ball!! I reckon I was getting a haircut on average every 2.5 weeks. So thats approx. £208 a year I'm spending on haircuts. Take away the £8 for the cost of the clippers thats still £200 I'm saving so I bought myself a new suit to celebrate.