
2005 was a Long (but still good) year

Dunfermline game sucked over the weekend. Was not impressed but the other results over the weekend meant it didn't hurt us quite as bad as it could have. Roll on the Christmas Holidays.

2005 has been a very long year. I've moved countries, brought all our furniture across too, put said furniture in storage, got a new job, rented a flat, put some of furniture in rented flat, applied for a mortgage, got a mortgage, looked for flats, found a flat, bought a flat, threw out all our furniture, boiler was broken on new flat, had some cold showers, replaced boiler and furnished flat with new furniture and as of today I am on my Christmas holidays.

In short.....its been a great, if somewhat busy, year. I will now be gorging myself on food and drink for the forseeable future and will probably wake up sometime in 2006 thoroughly refreshed.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.