
Country Living Episode 2 - The Commute

Where the f*ck are all the street lights? Its obviously quieter in the mornings (read deathly silent) but at the same time its pitch black when I get up. My morning waking up routine involves standing in the garden and embarassing the dog by shining a high powered torch at him while he takes a crap in the spotlight.
After that its a dash indoors, hot shower (for me not the dog) if I've time and then we leg it for the train.
My fellow commuters are an interesting bunch if somewhat on death's door judging by the coughing, spluttering and wheezing that echoes through the carriage. The worst so far has been the pair of students insisting they needed to snog the face off each other so they could convey to the rest of the train how very much in love they were. Had I had time to eat a breakfast I would have convey'd it all over them. Note to self, drink more coffee in the mornings to help relieve feelings of hostility towards fellow commuters.

Country Living Episode 2 - The Commute

Where the f*ck are all the street lights? Its obviously quieter in the mornings (read deathly silent) but at the same time its pitch black when I get up. My morning waking up routine involves standing in the garden and embarassing the dog by shining a high powered torch at him while he takes a crap in the spotlight.
After that its a dash indoors, hot shower (for me not the dog) if I've time and then we leg it for the train.
My fellow commuters are an interesting bunch if somewhat on death's door judging by the coughing, spluttering and wheezing that echoes through the carriage. The worst so far has been the pair of students insisting they needed to snog the face off each other so they could convey to the rest of the train how very much in love they were. Had I had time to eat a breakfast I would have convey'd it all over them. Note to self, drink more coffee in the mornings to help relieve feelings of hostility towards fellow commuters.


Country Living Episode 1

A week ago we were living in a flat in the city centre laughing off any noises outside as some drunk stumbling home and sleeping soundly despite the constant police sirens and neds with their car stereos blasting.
Now its so ridiculously quiet at night so any noises outside are causing us to cack ourselves and pray its not some country weirdo come to harass us. Our dog, Rocky, has never been happier. He's now got a massive garden to race about in and can pee outside without the threat of a steaming hen party to harass him. That's luxury right there!
I'm yet to experience the country community spirit I've heard so much about I've been waiting for a neighbour to drop in a casserrole and say hello since we got here but so far casserrole watch has yet to see any results.