

The title may look like a random collection of letters but it is in fact the acronym for a very useful phrase: shitfuckshitfuckshitfuckbolloxbolloxBOLLOX!!!. This is the very phrase I used as I woke up late last night lying on my sofa with an upturned bottle of Corona in my lap. A quick smell check confirmed that the puddle I was sitting in was indeed beer and not the result of a sudden attack of incontinence. The shout of expletives was because our nice and still relatively new sofa was looking a bit soggy and not smelling the freshest. A combination of football early on Saturday morning, a coupe hours of work and a poker gathering meant that I was shattered by Saturday night and promptly conked out with bottle of beer in hand as soon as I sat down.

On the brightside, it's probably a good thing I don't smoke.