
Well Fed

That was a weekend of good eating. Friday night we completely overdid the eating in the Red Lizard in the Merchant City. After a a gluttonous meal of Macoroni and Cheese, Chilli Chips and deep fried onion rings my eyes were rolling in my head and I nearly fell asleep into my dinner. Ben and Jerry's ice-cream on the way home completed the meal.

Saturday was on all day p1ss up for my fiancée's birthday starting in the Butterfly and the Pig on Bath street. Cracking pub and after a couple of hours we ordered a platter of grub that included pieces and slice and sausage rolls and chips. Pure magic by the way. Ended up in bunkered (further up Bath street I think) later on and then more eating in the Canton Express on Sauchihall street.

Sunday was a lazy TV day but the weekend was brought to a suitable conclusion with a nice birthday dinner in Sarti's on Renfield street. The waitress had a serious attitude problem but after mentioning it to one of the other members of staff, she must have got a stern talking to or a kick up the arse and changed her tune to something more appropriate.

An excellent weekend.