
Fight Club

Got a lend of a DVD of a mate today. No, not one of THOSE kind of dvds but the Pride FC Fighting Championships, The World's Premiere Mixed Martial Arts Contest 2004 Heavyweight Grand Prix 6 Disc Set. I do like a bit of the Ultimate Fighting so my mate recommended this as good viewing. As the name suggests its a 6 Disc box set with the box and discs emblazoned with large blokes with angry facial expressions and who look like they enjoy hitting people. Preferably in face. From what I gather Mixed Martial Arts basically equates to kicking and punching lumps out of each other as hard and as often as possible. Mostly in the face. Right, Disc one seems like the best place to start. Its called Total Elimination 2004 and as it loads the backdrop contains clips of some mixed martial artists have a rare old time. The menu says SELECT A FIGHT. Had I been designing the menu I would change the text to START A FIGHT coz I think thats funnier but maybe you don't joke around people like this or they hit you. Probably in the face.
