

I'm sick today and kind of pissed off about it! Reminds me of a good joke though:

A guy phones up his work and tells the boss:
"Mate, I can't come into work today, I'm sick!!"

The boss replies "Thats a shame, how sick are you?"

"Well I just slept with my sister....."

boom boom - in very bad taste altogether but that's kind of fitting coz thanks to my delapidating illness I've that gross mucus kind of taste in my mouth at the moment so everything tastes crap.
Just in time for the weeked too. I was planning to dose myself with hot herbal remedies and Vitamin C but a mate in work told me that they've found no proof that Vitamin C helps cure colds and flu ('They' of course being the rulers of the world) . I reckon the power of Vitamin C was the blind belief that it would make you better and so mind over matter, you would get better. But because of aforementioned friend's comments on the matter that blind belief has been taken away from me.

sh1t now my ear is starting to hurt....