
New Illness...

I think I'm suffering from acute WCWS (World Cup Withdrawal Syndrome). I rushed home from work yesterday evening coz somewhere in my subconcious a little voice was telling me that I'd have a good night relaxing in front of some world cup footie on the telly. Curse you Subconcious!!!! Not only was there obviously no football but the tellybox had been invaded by reality TV from all sides.

Channel 4 had big brother, STV had Celebrity Love Island and the BBC had Only Fools on horses (seriously...what the f*ck is that show all about). The hours before all this reality torture was nearly worse with double bills of all our 'favourite' soaps. The poor viewers who missed the latest deaths/adulteries/depressing revelation in Albert Square, the Rovers Returns or some field in Emmerdale could now reset their body clock to receive its daily fix of inane drivel. Thank god Film Four is becoming available on freeview so I can fill the empty void.

Either that or I could always get a hobby!!