
Blog Block

The summer so far has been fairly lacking in blog postings. This has been caused by a number of things (not in order of importance): the football season ending, wedding plans kicking into overdrive, being fairly busy in work.

So with the football season beginning again and as the wedding plans start to become reality its time to dust off the keyboard and get some posts flowing again although they may not quite as interesting as Jonny's trip to Chernobyl!!! (he's subsequently grown long hair and an extra ear).

To kick off I've a short to-do list of things I'd like to-do before the end of the year so rather than having them tucked away on a page in my notebook I thought I'd put 'em here to further remind me what I should be to-do'ing.
  1. Get Married
  2. Decorate the Flat
  3. Write a (short) book
  4. do a non-work orientated training course
  5. Write a script

Not the longest of lists but not very specific taskwise (except of course #1) which gives me a bit of flexibility in getting it complete before year end.